Wiedmann Bible Documentaries - Mobile App
About the Wiedmann Bible Old and New Testament in 3,333 images Despair, bliss, gratitude, love and hope. When he converted the written text of the Bible into a visual narrative, the artist experienced various emotional states. He pored over the words and used different translations in order to aid his understanding. This unique piece of art is the only visual narrative of the complete Bible. It was named after the Stuttgart-based artist Willy Wiedmann (1929-2013). For 16 years, he worked on the Leporello, which is almost a mile (1,2 km) long. Wiedmann did not have the opportunity to publish his work. Therefore, he buried his dream and the Bible in the attic of his gallery. Here his son, Martin Wiedmann, discovered it after his father’s death. Since 2015, the Wiedmann Bible is on its way to fulfill its mission: to share the Bible with everyone and to visually engage people with it, thus giving them a new way to access and understand it.
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Experience the beauty of this incredible artwork and learn more about the story of this artistic testament that God’s word transcends cultures, time, and even medium.
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God’s Word in 3,333 Images. The Wiedmann Video Bible is an entirely new way to immerse yourself in God's Word. Take an artistic journey through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation right from your smartphone, mobile device, TV, or computer. Experience God's written Word visually in a continuous 19 episodes compilation of 3,333 colorfully and uniquely illustrated paintings of the Old and New Testament by German artist Willy Wiedmann. Encounter scripture in a way that is enjoyable, easy, and extraordinary. Professional narration of the illustration's corresponding Biblical texts is accompanied by classical music for an entertaining sensory experience. The Wiedmann VIDEO Bible is one of the most remarkable pieces of artwork humanity has ever viewed. It is an unprecedented video experience that brings the Bible to life like never before.
Der Heiligen Schrift neu begegnen. Die Wiedmann VIDEO Bibel ist eine ganz neue Art, in Gottes Wort einzutauchen. Machen Sie eine künstlerische Reise durch die Bibel von der Genesis bis zur Offenbarung direkt von Ihrem Smartphone, Mobilgerät, Fernseher oder Computer aus. Erleben Sie Gottes Wort visuell in einer fortlaufenden 19 teiligen Zusammenstellung von 3.333 farbenfroh und einzigartig illustrierten Bildern des Alten und Neuen Testaments des deutschen Künstlers Willy Wiedmann. Begegnen Sie den heiligen Schriften auf angenehme, leichte und außergewöhnliche Weise. Die professionelle Erzählung der entsprechenden Bibeltexte der Illustration wird von klassischer Musik begleitet. - Ein unterhaltsames Sinneserlebnis . Die Wiedmann VIDEO Bibel ist eines der bemerkenswertesten Kunstwerke, die die Menschheit je gesehen hat. Es ist ein beispielloses Videoerlebnis, das die Bibel wie nie zuvor zum Leben erweckt.
La Palabra de Dios en 3.333 imágenes. La VIDEO Biblia de Wiedmann es una forma completamente nueva de sumergirse en la Palabra de Dios. Realice un viaje artístico a través de la Biblia desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis directamente desde su teléfono inteligente, dispositivo móvil, televisor o computadora. Experimente visualmente la Palabra escrita de Dios en una compilación continua de 19 episodios de 3333 pinturas del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento ilustradas de manera única y colorida por el artista alemán Willy Wiedmann. Conozca las Escrituras de una manera agradable, fácil y extraordinaria. La narración profesional de los textos bíblicos correspondientes de la ilustración se acompaña de música clásica para una experiencia sensorial entretenida. La VIDEO Biblia de Wiedmann es una de las obras de arte más notables que jamás haya visto la humanidad. Es una experiencia de video sin precedentes que da vida a la Biblia como nunca antes.