Why Amazing User Experience Is a Must for Your OTT Platform

OTT full form is Over The Top, a platform that allows viewers to access streaming and other kinds of media outside of cable and satellite TV domains. It is wildly popular with cord-cutters and consumers, and content producers are flocking to OTT to create their channels. With new options available every day, it's important to create an exceptional user experience (UX) for your OTT platform.

OTT Full Form: Why Amazing User Experience Is a Must for Your OTT Platform

Good UX Keeps Viewers in Your Ecosystem

If you've taken the time to curate terrific content and market your platform to attract viewers, how can you make sure not to lose them? Quality of user experience is one of the biggest factors in determining whether your viewers stay or leave your platform. Think about examples such as social media channels that barrage users with distracting ads or push recommendations that take them away from the channel they're on.

Good user experience keeps viewers engaged with your content and allows them to explore your channel's options without distractions or navigation issues. Make things easy to find, and pay attention to any customer comments about your UX. Good user experience also takes advantage of the many OTT tools that enable fan feedback, which you can then use to drive audience-building initiatives such as marketing campaigns and seasonal promotions.

Users Stream Content on Multiple Devices

One of the main advantages that OTT has over other traditional media platforms is the ability to stream content on multiple devices. Consumers seldom just sit on a sofa and watch TV like they used to. They prefer the freedom to watch anything they want, any time they want, on any device they choose. OTT meets this demand by allowing viewers to stream content on everything from smart TVs to tablets and phones.

While this is beneficial for users, it does create a technical challenge. Your user experience must be equally smooth and enjoyable no matter what device viewers use to access your content. When you're searching for an OTT provider to host your channel, make sure they are compatible with all devices your customers will use. They should also allow viewers to choose streaming quality and create multiple profiles on a single account.

Competition Is on the Rise

The streaming wars are in full swing as major media platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO Max compete for audience attention. This competition extends to niche OTT producers and independent content creators, as consumers have grown accustomed to a more diverse selection of entertainment than traditional media companies offer. There are endless choices now that offer specialized genres and even extend to new media offerings such as podcasts.

With so much competition, OTT producers may struggle to attract and retain viewers. Apart from creating higher-quality content, one of the best ways to separate your channel from the pack is to offer an exceptional user experience.

Offering your viewers a pleasant and intuitive user experience is one of the best ways to attract and retain fans. Ask Lightcast to help you create the best user experience for your viewers.