Publish Your Live-Stream to Facebook Live Streaming

Facebook has always been an integrated platform with Lightcast's multi-platform distribution system for live-streams and on-demand video content. The Lightcast OVP has enabled live-streaming publishers to publish live-streams, including event announcements and count-downs, to their Facebook Pages via dedicated Facebook Media Apps since 2009, which is why we are even more excited about Facebook’s live-stream support in news feeds. This is another great opportunity to extend your reach and address viewers who browse your news feed. It is a great new feature of Facebook and promotes and supports it in every possible aspect.

Simply sign into your Lightcast Media Cloud Account and connect it with the Facebook Account you want to publish to. With your Facebook Account connected as a connected platform in your Media Cloud, all of your live-stream events can automatically stream on through your Facebook Account as well.

How Automated Facebook Live-Streaming Works Technically

What happens technically? Your Lightcast Media Cloud passes on your live-stream, ingested to the Media Cloud from your live encoder, or from a selected video as a Simulated Live Event, to Facebook. Facebook then runs the stream through its server network and delivers it to Facebook viewers from their server, thus paying for the delivery bandwidth. This means: you don't have to pay for the bandwidth, but Facebook can monetize your live-stream on their website as they please without cutting you in. Since the delivery happens between Facebook and their viewers, via Facebook's streaming servers, the bandwidth usage by Facebook viewers does not count against your bandwidth package with Lightcast. No bandwidth is deducted from your Lightcast Account for the delivery of your live-streams to Facebook viewers, only for the one stream from the Lightcast OVP to Facebook - meaning, it just counts like one single viewer.

Use A Multi-Platform OVP For Instant Automated Distribution To Facebook Together With Your Websites, TV Apps And Mobile Apps

So, auto-publishing of live-streams to Facebook is free for you as a multi-platform Publisher, using the Lightcast Media Cloud for distribution of your live-streams and on-demand archives to your websites, mobile apps, TV Apps and social networks - including to your Facebook Page of course.

Please contact our Customer Support Team in order to activate this feature, or if you need assistance in setting up the connection to your Facebook Account: customercare[at]

Always here to help you grow your reach and audience. Viewers matter!

Your Customer Care Team