How Do Interstitial Ads Work in OTT?

OTT advertising is a valuable digital marketing tool for modern businesses. Interstitial ads are one type of such advertising. They come in many forms and offer plentiful benefits if used in a well-thought-out way.

The OTT Advertising Framework

Over-the-top (OTT) platforms are quickly becoming the norm in the digital age of cord-cutting and social media. Advertising in OTT form takes advantage of the realities of the modern world, where online content and streaming are king. The options for streaming ads are limitless: overlay, bumper, display, commercial video, interactive, image, and so much more. Interstitial ads are a premier OTT marketing tool, and benefits can be plentiful.

For one, ads can be tailored to a very specific target audience based on characteristics from age to purchasing history. This advantage enables personalization that connects businesses with consumers on a deep level. Consumers are more likely to notice and click on these easily accessible ads. And, perhaps most advantageous of all, businesses get a quick and easy assessment of results so they can fine-tune their message.

Interstitial Ads in OTT

This form of advertising is the answer for users frustrated by traditional pop-up ads that often intrude on an enjoyable and engaging experience. Interstitial ads, unlike many other types, leverage the full digital screen to deliver their message. They are much less intrusive and annoying, though, because they are strategically placed between breaks or gaps in content.

For example, the ad might occur between the end of one game level and the beginning of another game level, between articles on a newsfeed or website, or between scenes on a video show. Interstitials can be in the form of images, text, or videos, and you'll find them in all sectors of the online world: apps, websites, social media, games, and more. They differ from prestitial ads in that prestitials take place before content begins.

Types of Interstitial Ads

Interstitials come in a few forms that allow businesses maximum control over their marketing tools. Banner interstitials, one of the most popular formats, allow the user the option of clicking on the ad and getting more information about the product or service or closing out the ad. Banner ads may also start out small and expand into a full-image interstitial once a user clicks on them, providing the user control and increased engagement.

Another consumer favorite, rewarded ads give users an incentive (such as hidden game-level access) for clicking on the advertisement. In the process, they build more fondness for the brand. And if you're looking at an attention-grabbing ad with elements of animation, audio, video, and high interactivity, then you are witnessing the enticing effects of a rich media unit interstitial ad. Playable ads offer the highest user engagement, as consumers interact with the ad by playing a mini-game, for instance.

High-Conversion Approaches

The best advertisements enhance the user experience, stir interest in products and services, and help monetize the platform that hosts them. With these goals in mind, high-performing interstitial ads should be non-disruptive with a smooth transition, not too frequent, well-placed, entertaining and/or informative, and short and sweet.

Advertising is an art, and trusted allies can help you create the digital masterpiece you have always envisioned. Contact the Lightcast team for top-tier live stream business and marketing consultations at an affordable price.