In Touch Ministries TV - Apple TV App

Biblical teaching you can trust.
App Content

The media content of this channel is available on Apple TV. You need a Apple TV 4th Gen or newer in order to watch it.

The media content of this channel is available on Apple TV. You need a Apple TV 4th Gen or newer in order to watch it.
Taking the gospel to the ends of the digital world with a 24/7 streaming channel dedicated to sound, biblical doctrine.

The media content of this channel is available on Apple TV. You need a Apple TV 4th Gen or newer in order to watch it.
Stories from around the world as In Touch works to fulfill its mission of leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

The media content of this channel is available on Apple TV. You need a Apple TV 4th Gen or newer in order to watch it.

The media content of this channel is available on Apple TV. You need a Apple TV 4th Gen or newer in order to watch it.
A safe show for preschoolers to have fun and learn about positive attitudes and behaviors

The media content of this channel is available on Apple TV. You need a Apple TV 4th Gen or newer in order to watch it.

The media content of this channel is available on Apple TV. You need a Apple TV 4th Gen or newer in order to watch it.