PIJN News - Fire TV App

Daily 1/2 hour current news reports and newsmaker interviews from a Christian perspective. Ever seen a TV news anchor stop and pray with his audience after each story? We don't just report the news, we discern the spirits and we pray the scriptures, in Jesus' name. Join us to influence world events! Petition God and Government with us by visiting www.PrayInJesusName.org (get free email alerts) and we can send your petitions to Congress instantly. Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (Dr. Chaps) is the former Navy Chaplain who took a stand for the right to pray publicly "in Jesus' name." Dr. Chaps has an PhD Theology, is an Air Force Academy graduate, served 12 years in Air Force before becoming a Navy Chaplain.
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PIJN News with host Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, PhD is a daily national TV news, commentary and prayer show for conservative viewers. It features 30:00 of daily news content to hold politicians accountable on religious freedom, pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-Israel, and second-amendment issues. “Dr. Chaps” reports the news with in depth daily follow up coverage and news maker interviews, then he discerns the spirits behind the stories, and prays the Scriptures, in Jesus’ name.