Vida Family - Roku Channel

We are pioneering a new genre of TV - Bilingual. Our goal is to reach out to 2nd+ generation Latinos with good family friendly entertainment.
This App is currently published in the following Roku Channel Stores:
North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Central America, South America
App Content

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
Watch the content of this channel on CROSS.TV. Please note that the client decides on where to publish his media content and that only a selected number of content from this channel may have been published to CROSS.TV by the client.
A quick access to the latest video-on-demand available this week. Check often for your favorite..

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
Watch the content of this channel on CROSS.TV. Please note that the client decides on where to publish his media content and that only a selected number of content from this channel may have been published to CROSS.TV by the client.
Here you will find MORE programing with the titles starting with the letters noted. Weekly programs were moved to a location related to their names. Aquí encontrará MÁS programación con los títulos que comienzan con las letras anotadas.Programa semanales han sido movido a un lugar con respecto a sus títulos.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
Watch the content of this channel on CROSS.TV. Please note that the client decides on where to publish his media content and that only a selected number of content from this channel may have been published to CROSS.TV by the client.
this section includes programs such as Grannie's Family Meals, Faith on Film, King of Glory, La Vida Ahora, On the Move exercise programs. All ON demand.. Check often More to come. esta sección incluye programas como: Grannie's Family Meals, Faith on Film, King of Glory, La Vida Ahora, On the Move (ejercicio). Todo En-Demanda.. Consulte a menudo Más por venir.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
Watch the content of this channel on CROSS.TV. Please note that the client decides on where to publish his media content and that only a selected number of content from this channel may have been published to CROSS.TV by the client.
Here you will find MORE programing with the titles starting with the letters noted. Aquí encontrará MÁS programación con los títulos que comienzan con las letras anotadas.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
Watch the content of this channel on CROSS.TV. Please note that the client decides on where to publish his media content and that only a selected number of content from this channel may have been published to CROSS.TV by the client.
From the classics to the some great family entertainment for the kids.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
Películas dirigido a la familia para la diversión de cada uno. Permite que estas peliculas causa conversación entre la familia.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
Watch the content of this channel on CROSS.TV. Please note that the client decides on where to publish his media content and that only a selected number of content from this channel may have been published to CROSS.TV by the client.
looking for a movie to watch and talk about it with the family - here they are.

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
The Bridge Ministries founded by Dr. Marc Garcia and his wife Blanca Garcia have as its core values and mission to help the believer grow in their walk in Christ. providing messages filled with not only biblical content but also depth of word and empowerment. visit

The media content of this channel is available on Roku. You need a Roku box in order to watch it.
The Bridge Ministries is a para-church ministry which began as a church plant. Dr. Marc Garcia and his wife Blanca Garcia share profound messages that impact the lives of the believer.